Posted on April 22, 2015 · Posted In: ,

William Solecki Professor of Geography, Hunter College; Director of CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities; Ph.D., Geography, Rutgers University, 1990

In this brief, William Solecki, Professor of Geography at Hunter College and outgoing director of the CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities, writes on the social context of climate change, and the emerging awareness of climate injustice:

“Today, the connection between climate and justice is rapidly emerging as a central component of climate action. The civil society campaigns and public marches are part of the emerging struggle and drive for a meaningful response to increasing climate risks. The resolution of these debates and whether they can lead to real climate action will have significant implications for the sustainability of global society and of every city, town, and rural settlement.”

Download the Brief (PDF)

Part of the series of Issue Briefs on Climate Injustice, authored for the March, 2015 Conference “Climate Injustice: Are there Solutions?” at Hunter College.