Please join us for the first of two special events commemorating Women’s History Month.
Roosevelt House welcomes bestselling novelist Amy Bloom to mark the publication of her new book, White Houses, a novel exploring the relationship between Eleanor Roosevelt and Lorena Hickok, a journalist who became one of the First Lady’s closest friends. Bloom, the Shapiro-Silverberg Professor of Creative Writing at Wesleyan University and the acclaimed author ofLucky, Away from Us and other books, will be in conversation with Blanche Wiesen Cook, Hunter ’62, author of the definitive biography of Eleanor Roosevelt. “The complexity of their mutual attraction is one of the joys of the book,” Kirkus Reviews has written of White Houses. “Bloom elevates this addition to the secret-lives-of-the-Roosevelts genre through elegant prose and by making Lorena Hickok a character engrossing enough to steal center stage from Eleanor Roosevelt.”