Umair Khan, Esquire
Counsel to New York State Senator Kevin Parker
Mr. Khan previously served as the Assistant Counsel to Senator Parker in the office of the Majority Whip. He started in the NY Senate as a Graduate Fellow with State Senator Bill Perkins. Mr. Khan graduated from Albany Law School where he was the founder and student director of the Appellate Advocacy Project. Along with his classmates, he filed amicus curiae briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court in Safford v. Redding and Ashcroft v. Iqbal. Mr. Khan published a law review article titled, Tortured Pleadings: The Historical Development and Recent Fall of the Liberal Pleadings Standard. His work was cited by the House Judiciary Committee in their hearings on the Iqbal decision. He has also worked for the U.S. District Judge Lawrence Khan, U.S. Magistrate Judge Randolph Treece, and the Albany County District Attorney’s Office, where he was first chair in two successful prosecutions. Before going to Albany, Mr. Khan served as a Legislative Assistant to Congressman Bob Filner where he worked on foreign policy and homeland security issues. He also coordinated ethnic outreach for the Kerry-Edwards Presidential campaign and served as the 2003-2004 APAICS-Frank Horton Fellow with Congressman Mike Honda. He was a founder of the Congressional Muslim Staffers Association. Mr. Khan received his BA in Government and Near Eastern Studies from Cornell University in 2003.