Yalda Royan, left, with Fawzia Koofi and Asila Wardak, both members of the Women’s Forum on Afghanistan, held a media briefing on Dec. 11, 2023, at Roosevelt House, Hunter College,…
The advisory board, faculty, and staff of Roosevelt House mourn the passing of our beloved longtime advisor and generous benefactor, Hunter College alumna Dr. Anita Arrow Summers (’45). A well-known…
Eleanor Roosevelt would have been celebrating her 139th birthday. A supporter of workers rights, had she been alive she would have attended today’s dedication of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Memorial…
Below is the full article “Ms. Magazine Has Been Fighting for the ERA Since Its Inception” by Max Fallon-Goodwin published in Ms. Magazine on September 22, 2023. Ms. Magazine Has Been Fighting for the ERA…
The Hon. Carolyn Maloney, Hunter College Students, and women’s rights leaders rang the Nasdaq closing bell Friday, July 14. All wore white in honor of the suffragist movement, the 100th anniversary of…
We mourn the loss of Richard Ravitch, an esteemed friend and counselor to Hunter College and an early member of the Roosevelt House Advisory Board. We are grateful that he…
(Photo: From left, Yinan Lan, Sudha Acharya, Laurie M. Tisch, Jennifer J. Raab, and representatives from Vision/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired and the Skillspring Program at the New…
Roosevelt House deeply mourns the loss of our extraordinary alumna, Eva Kastan Grove ’58, a cherished friend to Hunter College. Eva’s involvement at Hunter reflected her deep commitment to social…
For Release May 25, 2023 Opening Reception and Discussion Evening of May 25 (New York, May 25, 2023)—In tribute to longtime Hunter College President Jennifer J. Raab—as she enters the…
(New York, March 14, 2023) At a press conference at Roosevelt House, former Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney, the Eleanor Roosevelt Distinguished Leader in Residence at Roosevelt House; Congresswoman Debbie Dingell; and feminist legend Eleanor…