“I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” (Pledge of Allegiance, Original Version, Bellamy, 1892) If…
On Monday, March 20, Mark Holden, senior vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary of Koch Industries, met with Hunter College students for a private discussion on issues of criminal justice…
Hunter College inaugural Theodore Kheel Visiting Fellow in Transportation Sam Schwartz has been featured in Downtown Express. Click here to view the full article. During the semester-long fellowship — named…
Photo credit:”Empowering a New Generation” by DAVID SHEN; European Pressphoto Agency; Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FROM: Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute…
The great human rights pioneer Robert L. Bernstein, founder of Human Rights Watch, appeared at Roosevelt House this week to discuss his recent book Speaking Freely: My Life in Publishing and…
New York, January 31, 2017 – Sam Schwartz, one of the country’s most accomplished and respected experts in the theories and practices of sustainable urban transportation policy, will serve as…
January 29, 2017 On Friday afternoon, the President issued an Executive Order that suspended entry of all refugees for 120 days, barred Syrian refugees indefinitely, and for 90 days blocked…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FROM: Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College CONTACT: Roosevelt House Digital Media and Programs, 212-396-7947 / roosevelthouse@hunter.cuny.edu …
The year was 1941 and the world was at war. Though America had not yet entered the war “officially,” Americans were already dying – like the young sailor on the merchant ship…
This past week, Roosevelt House opened its new fall exhibition, “See How They Ran! FDR & His Opponents: Campaign Treasures From The New-York Historical Society.” FOX5 New York was in…