Posted on July 24, 2012 · Posted in Faculty Associates News

Roosevelt House is pleased to learn that Roseanne Flores, Associate Professor of Psychology has been to appointed to serve as a representative of the American Psychological Association at the United Nations during the upcoming year.  The Association is a recognized  NGO at the UN.  This appointment can be renewed for as many as five years.

APA-appointed representatives work within the NGO community at the U.N. headquarters in New York. Based on APA advocacy goals and priorities, APA representatives collaborate with other NGO representatives and APA offices and governance to identify issues, organize programs, and draft statements that bring psychological science and a psychological perspective to bear on global policies and programs. Representatives also foster dialogue and information exchange between psychologists and APA and U.N. diplomats and representatives of UN agencies, and serve as APA’s conduit for information about the United Nations.  More information about the APA at the UN can be found here.

Roseanne L. Flores is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Hunter College of the City University of New York.  She is a Developmental Psychologist by training and was a National Head Start Fellow in the Office of Head Start in Washington, DC in 2009-2010.  Prior to working in the Office of Head Start, Dr. Flores was a Visiting Scholar at the Educational Testing Service in Princeton, NJ during the summer of 2009 where she worked in the areas of assessment, research and policy. She is currently serving as a member of the Committee on Children, Youth and Families at the American Psychological Association as well as a member of the Coalition for Psychology in Schools and Education. Dr. Flores was recent member of the 2011-2012 class of the APA Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology.