
Spring 2025 Human Rights Courses

The following courses, offered in Spring 2025, count toward the Minor and Certificate in Human Rights.

Human Rights Program: Core Courses

The following are required courses for the Minor and the Certificate in Human Rights.

CodeCourse nameInstructor (s)
HR 200.00

Introduction to Human Rights (four sections)

(required of all students pursuing the Minor and Certificate in Human Rights) – Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters

Sec 01: Daniela Ikawa

Sec 02, 03, 04: Raza Ahmad 

Sec 05- Catherine Tinker

HR 250.00

Human Rights Internship (practical internship with NGO, not classroom instruction, mandatory CR/NC, required of all students pursuing the Minor and Certificate in Human Rights)

Offered Fall, Spring, Summer, and Winter Semesters    

Jessica Neuwirth
HR 260.00

Human Rights Internship Seminar

Offered Fall Semester (required of all students pursuing the Certificate in Human Rights)

Jessica Neuwirth
HR 350.00 Human Rights Capstone Seminar (required of all students pursuing the Certificate in Human Rights)Mark Shulman 

Special Topic Courses

HR 220.48Domestic Violence and Human Rights Tuesdays, 4:00 p.m. – 6:45 p.m., Room 204Dorchen Leidholdt
HR 220.52Accountability for Human Rights in Palestine & IsraelMondays, 10:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m., Room 304Jamil Dakwar
HR 220.39 / ANTHC 401.98International Human RightsThursdays, 5:30 p.m. – 7:20 p.m., Room 204Marc Edelman

Approved Permanent Cognate Courses From Other Academic Departments/Programs

Note: Courses scheduled for Fall 2023 are noted in red, but please check online in each respective department for the most current information. (Last update: 5/3/2023)

CodeCourse nameInstructor (s)
AFPRL 390.40Institutional RacismMark Payne
ANTHC 218.00The Anthropology of the Civil Rights Movement in the U.S.David Hodges
ANTHC 331.00Grassroots Movements and Social ChangeMarc Edelman
ANTHC 303.51Social Movements: Theory, Practice, and EthnographySarah Molinari
ANTHC 309.00Rural SocietiesMarc Edelman
ANTHC 310.01Politics of MemoryYukiko Koga
ANTHC 320.01/
WGSL 306.00
Gender and MigrationGizem Iscan
ANTHC 320.30Refugees and AsylumStaff
ANTHC 320.75Law and AnthropologyMark Drury
ANTHC 321.59Human Rights of the IndigenousLilianna Quiroa-Crowell
ANTHC 321.65Politics of ReproductionAminata Maraesa
ANTHC 351.51Stories and Silences: Justice and Reconciliation After Imperial ViolenceYukiko Koga
ANTHC 401.01Language and NationalismRobert Greenberg
ANTHC 401.85Latin American MigrationRocio Gil
ANTHC 401.98International Human RightsMarc Edelman
ASIAN 230.01Globalization and GenderJackelyn Mariano
ASIAN 320.01Nation, Self and Asian IdentityMaya Jeffereis
ASIAN 330.08/
ENGL 317.55
Muslim DiasporasRebecca Qidwai
ASIAN 390.02/
POLSC 317.01
Asian American Civil Rights and LawGlenn Magpantay
ASIAN 490.00/
URBS 403.96
Immigration PolicyLina Newton
ECO 330.00Economic DevelopmentStaff
ENGL 325.00/
COMPL 381.66
Post-Colonial Literature in EnglishNijah Cunningham/Zachary Fruit
ENGL 329.82World Literature and the Question of Human RightsNico Israel
HIST 250.13History of Humanitarian Aid to sub-Saharan AfricaJill Rosenthal
HIST 341.20Women and Gender in IslamKaren Kern
HIST 341.33Indigenous Movements in Latin American HistorySteven John
HIST 341.6220th Century Latin American RevolutionsSteven John
HIST 382.04Gandhi: Power, Protest, and Justice in the 20th CenturyManu Bhagavan
HIST 382.17Jerusalem in the Twentieth CenturyStaff
HIST 7741J (HIST 382.28)Refugees and the Making of the Modern WorldJill Rosenthal
HIST 384.61Hitler’s GermanyBenjamin Hett
HIST 384.65 / HIST 492.09The Dreyfus Affair: French Anti-Semitism before the Holocaust         Laura Schor
HIST  774.36Human Rights in the Non-Western WorldManu Bhagavan
HONS 301.46Violence and Ethnic Conflict in South AsiaRupal Oza
HONS 301.67South Africa & Southern Africa After ApartheidStaff
LACS 330.55Human Rights ResearchStaff
MEDIA 386.00Media EthicsGregory Morris
PHILO 246.00/ POLSC 204.01Political PhilosophyOmar Dahbour
PHILO 248.00International EthicsCarol Gould
PHILO 252.00/
POLSC 317.54
Problems of Law and MoralitySteven Ross
PHILO 255.00Environmental PhilosophyKyle Ferguson
PHILO 346.00Contemporary Theories of JusticeOmar Dahbour
PHILO 348.00Philosophy of Human RightsCarol Gould
PHILO 394.75Democratic TheoryCarol Gould
PHILO 394.86Immigration and Human RightsCarol Gould
POLSC 202.00Modern Political ThoughtLygia Georgiou
POLSC 204.01/ PHILO 246.00Political PhilosophyOmar Dahbour
POLSC 209.00/
WGS 209.00
Women & Gender In Western Political ThoughtEmily Crandall
POLSC 217.46The Bill of RightsWalter Volkomer
POLSC 219.00/
WGS 219.00
Women and the LawEmily Crandall
POLSC 221.00Immigration PolicyLina Newton
POLSC 228.00Protest Movements In American Politics   Julie Hollar
POLSC 261.00Globalization and MovementsJill Schwedler
POLSC 263.00Government and Politics in the Middle EastJill Schwedler
POLSC 270.00Int’l Relations: Conceptual Foundations & Current IssuesMichael Lee
POLSC 271.00International Politics in the AmericasKenneth Erickson
POLSC 272.11The Politics of DevelopmentIan Jones
POLSC 272.25Comparative LGBT PoliticsJulie Hollar
POLSC 272.26Government/Politics of AfricaCarolyn Somerville
POLSC 273.22The Politics of International Human Rights EnforcementRobert Jenkins
(Sec 01 and Sec 02)
POLSC 275.00Politics of the Global EconomyMichael Lee
POLSC 276.00Global IssuesCarolyn Somerville
POLSC 278.00International OrganizationsSandra Davidovic
POLSC 281.00Drugs, Politics, and Public PolicyKenneth Erickson
POLSC 282.00International SecurityCynthia Roberts
POLSC 283.00Politics of TerrorismChelsea Joliet
POLSC 294.01/
SOCSC 297.01
International Relations: MODEL U.N.Christopher McCallion
POLSC 303.00Democracy and EmergencyLeonard Feldman
POLSC 304.77Violence, Justice and ReconciliationAlex Zamalin
POLSC 304.81Democracy and Political EthicsJohn Wallach
POLSC 305.00Democratic Theory/Problems of DemocracyJohn Wallach
POLSC 309.00/
WGS 309.00
Feminist Political TheoryRobyn Marasco
POLSC 316.00Political Theory of Human RightsJohn Wallach
POLSC 317.01/ ASIAN 390.02Asian American Civil Rights and LawGlenn Magpantay
POLSC 317.15LGBT Rights – Law & PolicyMichael Fisher
POLSC 317.54/
PHILO 252.00
Law and MoralitySteven Ross
POLSC 317.74Politics of CriminalizationSanford Schram
POLSC 341.00Constitutional Law: Civil RightsJames Bacher
POLSC 342.00Constitutional Law: First AmendmentRosa Squillacote
POLSC 353.00Social Movements, Civil Society, and the State in Latin AmericaKenneth Erickson
POLSC 372.18Protest and DissentJill Schwedler
POLSC 300.43Post Conflict Peace-Building and State BuildingRobert Jenkins
POLSC 373.15Refugees and Global PoliticsErika Iverson
POLSC 374.00International Human RightsCarolyn Somerville
POLSC 375.00International LawZachary Shirkey
PSYCH 384.02Developmental Psychology and Human RightsRoseanne Flores
PSYCH 385.01Social Psychology and Human RightsRoseanne Flores
PH 714.00Public Health and Human RightsStaff
REL 208.00Religion and Social JusticeChristopher Sweeney
REL 209.00Religion and Human RightsRoberto Herrera
REL 315.00The Problem of EvilDavid Cerequas
SOC 218.00Social InequalityJeffrey London
SOC 219.00American SocietyJack Hammond
SOC 307.00MigrationHeba Gowayed
SOC 315.00Work and SocietyStaff
SOC 320.00Law, Society and Civil RigthsCalvin John Smiley
SOC 325.1NEnvironmental SociologyStaff
SOC 325.38Hunger in AmericaJanet Poppendieck
SOC 325.66Seminar: Food and SocietyJacob Rosette
SOC 361.00Development and ModernizationJohn Hammond
SOC 364.00Globalism and NationalismStaff
SPAN 371.08Memory of the Dictatorships of Argentina & ChileMaria Fischer
URBP 787.27Environmental JusticeSamara Swanston
WGS 100.71AIDS and SocietyStaff
WGS 100.83Gender, Islam and Rights in South AsiaDina Siddiqi
WGS 209.00/
POLSC 209.00
Women & Gender In Western Political ThoughtAlison Park
WGS 219.00/
POLSC 219.00
Women and the LawJames Bacher
WGS 244.00Transnational FeminismsRupal Oza
WGS 300.27Transgender Theory and PoliticsBenjamin Persky
WGS 300.40Gender, Politics and PowerStaff
WGS 309.00/
Feminist Political TheoryRobyn Marasco
WGSL 100.04Gender and Human RightsNomvuyo Nolutshungu
WGSL 206.00Gender and ImmigrationCatherine Raissiguier
WGSL 306.00/
ANTHC 320.01
Gender and MigrationGizem Iscan
WGSP 100.70 / 290.07Prison, Human Rights and Gender Spring 2020Susan Rosenberg
WGSS 300.02Reproductive Rights in the U.S.Michael Fisher