Ervin S. Duggan

  • While still in his early twenties, Ervin S. Duggan was recruited to the LBJ White House from his job as a reporter for the Washington Post. He served there as deputy to Douglass Cater, in an office whose portfolio included some of President Johnson’s deepest domestic concerns: health, education, welfare, labor and civil rights. His later career included a five-year  term as an FCC Commissioner and six years as President and CEO of PBS, the public broadcasting service. He now serves and President and CEO of the Society of the Four Arts, a cultural and educational institution on a ten-acre campus in Palm Beach, Florida, where he has added significantly to the Society’s campus and created a lifelong learning program, the Campus on the Lake, which now enrolls more than 4000 students annually. A native of Georgia reared in South Carolina, he is a graduate of North Carolina’s Davidson College.